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Faculty of Economics

Faculty of Economics


The Faculty of Economics of S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University began its work in the 1960-1961 academic year as part of the Faculty of Agronomy, when 25 students were enrolled in the 1st year within the specialty "Economics and Organization of Agriculture". In the next academic year, 75 people had been already enrolled in the 1st year, including 50 students majoring in Accounting in Agriculture. Currently the "Business Management" educational program (EP) effectively functions.

There are 3 departments within the Faculty of Economics:

Department of Economics

Department of Accounting and Finance

Department of Management and Marketing

Since 2018, in accordance with the provision of academic freedom, the faculty has implemented the following educational programs:

Bachelor's degree:

6B04102 – "Financial Analytics"

6B04103-"Business Management and Entrepreneurship"

6B04104-"Digital Marketing"

6B04105—"Modern Business Economics"

6B04106-"Accounting, audit and tax consulting"

There are 5 Master's degree programs:

7M04101 - "Agricultural management"

7M04102- "Sustainable agriculture and rural development"

7M04104 - "Accounting and legal support of business"

7M04105 - "Public and real sector finance"

7M04106 - "Marketing and brand management in the market of goods and services"

There are 5 PhD doctoral programs:

8D04101-"Management in the agro-industrial complex"

8D04102-"Economics and organization in the agro-industrial complex"

8D04103-"Accounting and auditing in accordance with IFRS"

8D04104-"Finance innovations in business"



History of faculty

The training of economists started in 1960-1961 academic year in the structure of the agronomical faculty. Then 25 students were admitted to the 1st course on the specialty “Economy and agriculture organization of agriculture”. The following academic year 75 students were admitted to the 1st course including 50 students of the specialty "Accounting in agriculture". During this period there were two departments, they are: the department of political economy and the special department of economy, the organization of the socialist agricultural farms.

However, the date of birth of economic faculty is on March 1, 1963, when the order No. 56 of Tselinnyi regional managing department of production and preparations of agricultural products was issued and annual reception of 100 people on the 1st course was established. From the very first days of functioning of the economy faculty the staff joined the scientific and methodical search making many efforts to overcome difficulties of formation.

According to the high institute program the acquaintance of students with economic sciences began with the studying of political economy. Therefore the conversation on preparation of economists should be started with the history of department of political economy. This department is organized in 1961, later it was renamed into the department of economic theory. Till 1990 the department was autonomous as a part of department of social sciences and only in 1990 it became the part of economic faculty. The associate professor D.Vermel was the first head of the department. During the subsequent periods the candidate of economic sciences I. Ivanov (1962-1968); and the professor, doctor of economic sciences N.Lee headed the faculty (1969-1987). In 1988-1989 the department was headed by the associate professor, candidate of economic sciences S.Zaytseva. From 1990 to 1996 the department was directed by the professor, doctor of economic sciences S. Tkachuk, the person with the deep knowledge of general economic theory and the transition theory to the market relations. S. Tkachuk is the author of 6 monographs (4 of them are co-authorship), more than 70 scientific and methodical works. "About the phenomenon of the law of tendency of the rate of profit to the reduction. The false assumption of K.Marx" (1993) is the one of his main scientific works. The following seven years (1996-2003) the associate professor, candidate of economic sciences T. Seselkina was the head of the department, who made a big contribution to the improvement of educational and methodical research work and also to the formation of teaching staff of the department. She was the first person who began reading lectures on the course "Economics", then "Microeconomics", "Macroeconomic"in 1991 being still the senior teacher. Under the supervision of T. Seselkina the department successfully carried out the transition to the teaching of disciplines corresponding to the market economy. Over 30 scientific articles and educational and methodical course books have been published by her. Now the department is headed by the doctor of economic sciences, professorM.Bauer(M.Kenzhebolatova).

The skilled teachers have worked at the department in different years: K.Bot worked over 30 years, L.Konstantinova worked more than 20 years, A.Sviridov, M. Lopatin, R.Scherban, L.Lipinsky, B. Tamabayeva, A.Kasenova, V.Drel (more then 10 years), T.Altayev and associate professors Zh. Nurpeisov, R. Akhmedina . The teachers of the department make many efforts for the creation of appropriate educational and methodical base.

Due to the absence of textbooks corresponding to the market economy, especially in state language, in 1991 the teachers of the faculty started publishing courses of lecture and textbooks, the total volume of which amounted to 58 printed sheets. Assistant professor Zh.K. Nurpeisov published textbooks in a state language "The basis of the economic theory" (6.2 printed sheets) in 1996 and "Microeconomics" (6.0 printed sheets) in 1999.

Now the department conducts scientific researches on the subject «Establishing and development of social business in Kazakhstan».(Registration number 0119РКИ0100). For the last 5-6 years more than 50 scientific works including two monographs were published by the teachers of the department. The teachers of this department defended 2 doctoral dissertations N.Lee, M.Bauer (M.Kenzhebolatova) and ten doctoral dissertations were defended in the competition for gaining the scientific degree of the candidate of economic sciences, two dissertations were defended in the competition for gaining the scientific degree of the candidate of sciences in law

During further development of the faculty two departments: the department of economy of socialist agriculture and the department of organization of the socialist agricultural enterprises were created (1 September, 1963). It was headed by the associate professor, candidate of economic sciences D.Vermel who worked at this position till 1968. In the next years the department was headed by the associate professors A.Paliy (1968-1972), A.Kuznetsov (1972-1973), B.Baltin (1974-1983), G.Turmambayev (1983-1988) and the professor, doctor of economic sciences, the member correspondent of the Academy of sciences of Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic K.Sagadiyev (1982-1990). The department of organization of the socialist agricultural enterprises was headed by S. Azev, he worked as the head of the department till 1967. Then department was headed by the associate professor M. Tsybenko (1967-1976) and the associate professor,candidate of economic sciences Zh. Sundetov (1976-1992).


During the years of development the department of economy and the organization of the socialist agricultural enterprises overcame many reorganization. In 1994 as a result of integration the department "Economy and Organization of agriculture" was organized, in the subsequent years it began to be called the department of agrarian economy which was managed by the professor, doctor of economic sciences Zh. Sundetov (1994-1996), associate professor A. Hizhinsky (1996-1997), associate professor A. Kulakevich (1998-2000), associate professor Z.Oraztayeva (2001-2002). In 2002 as a result of association of departments “Agrarian Economy” and “Marketing and Management” it was formed as the department of economy and management, it was headed by the professor, doctor of economic sciences, academician of the Academy of agricultural sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan Zh.Sundetov. Since 2003 the department has been headed by the candidate of economic sciences, associate professor N. Meleshenko

The department trains  undergraduates and postgraduates. Noticeable activity research work were differed at the department in the eighties when it was headed by the professor K. Sagadiyev. Under his supervision 7 undergraduates and candidates defended their dissertations for gaining the scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences while there were 14 people on postgraduate course.

The theme of the research work was: "Development of organizational and economic actions for improvement the quality of agricultural production and improvement of collective forms of organization and production stimulation in Tselinyi agrarian and industrial complex" was the theme of the research work entering into the Republican scientific and technical program.

In connection with current economic reforms the direction of researches has been changed recently.

Nowadays the research work of  the department is being done in the framework of  the following research projects: 3561 / GF4 “Justification and forecasting the needs of specialists with higher professional education in the agro-industrial complex of the Akmola region” and “Sustainable agriculture and rural development”. International  Project No. 561969 – ЕРР-1-2015-1-DE-EPPK2-CBHE-JP. Funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus + KA2 program. Initiative theme  “Economic evaluation of the development of innovative processes in beef breeding in Akmola region” (registration number 0119 RCI0120

The department cooperates with Northern branch of the Scientific Research Institute of Economy of Agrarian and Industrial Complex and Development of Rural Territories in the field of joint scientific researches. Besides, the department signed contracts on the cooperation and on the organization of branch of the department on the basis of “Homeland Agrofirm”Ltd of Tselinograd region of Akmolinsk area.

In August, 1964 the department “Accounting and statistics” was organized. The candidate of economic sciences D. Shitikov headed it (1964-1965). Then in different years the department was managed by the candidate of economic sciences A.Shirshov (1965-1971), senior lecturer F.Yatsenko (1971-1973), the candidate of economic sciences N. Smelik (1973-1982 and 1990-1993) and the candidate of economic sciences M. Syzdykov (1984-1989). Then in different years the department was headed by the associate professor, candidate of economic sciences S.Suraganova (nowadays professor, the doctor of economic sciences), associate professor, the candidate of economic sciences R. Zhunusova, associate professor, candidate of economic sciences K. Alenova (nowadays the doctor of economic sciences) and the candidate of economic sciences A. Ismailova. Since 2005 to 2015 the department was headed by the doctor of economic sciences, professor T. Kusainov. Nowadays the department is headed by a candidate of economic sciences, docent A. Baidakov

The main directions of the department staff are the training of specialists and researches in the field of accounting taking into account the occurring changes in forms of ownership and managing. The special attention is paid for the training of specialists of a registration profile of the international standard. The department is actively engaged in the methodical work. They are: "Practical Management in Examples and Tasks", "Economy Modelling" and "Statistical Methods of Studying of Interrelations of Economic Events" textbooks have been published by the doctor of economic sciences T. Kusainov. The doctor of economic sciences, associate professor K. Alenova is the coauthor of the textbook "Farmer Business" and «The workshop on the economic theory", and the electronic textbook "Economy and account in agrobusiness" has been written by her.

There is rather high potential for conducting scientific research at the department, the graduates of the faculty study on full-time postgraduate course and finished it with honors. The candidate of economic sciences B. Borina became the owner of Gran-pri of the First open Republican scientific and practical competition "From Idea to an Embodiment One Step" (2005). She received master’s degree in S. Timiryazev agricultural academy in Moscow. G.Mussina, A.Bulasheva, A.Baydakov defended the candidate dissertations for gaining the scientific degree of the candidate of economic sciences.

The staffs of the department take part in the international relations of university. The teachers L. Kireeva, B.Tukenov passed the scientific training course in Scotland, the associate professor, candidate of economic sciences K. Alenova was in Germany, Belgium, and Holland. In 1995 and 2000 according to the program of exchange of scientists the doctor of economic sciences T. Kusainov was at the USA universities (Colorado and Iowa universities) coordinating the joint project on development the training programs with Cranfield university (Great Britain). The department conducted researches on development of insurance of crops in Kazakhstan in 2003-2005 with the institute of agrarian development of the countries of the Central and Eastern Europe (Hull, Germany). the Center of economic problems of agrarian development functions is opened on the initiative of the doctor of economic sciences, head of the department T.Kusainov at the faculty of economy.

The formation of department of economic-mathematical methods and computer facilities in 1967 was an important factor in raising the level of educational - methodical and research work at the faculty and at the university as a whole. The department was renamed into department of economic cybernetics in 1971.

In 1992 the department of economic cybernetics was renamed into the department of economic-mathematical modeling. The candidate of economic sciences, associate professor B. Rezvantsev was the first head of it till 1982 Then in different years the department was headed by the associate professor, candidate of economic sciences (since 1992 the professor) K.Abuov (1982-1986), the candidate of economic sciences V. Evtushenko (1986-1987), the candidate of economic sciences V. Shlefrin (1987-1991), the professor K. Abuov (1991-2005). Nearly 15 years the department was managed by the doctor of economic sciences, professor K. Abuov, who graduated from the postgraduate course in 1973 and defended the master's dissertation for gaining the scientific degree of the candidate of economic sciences and in 2004 he defended the doctoral dissertation for gaining the scientific degree of the Doctor of Economics. From 2005 to 2007, the department was headed by Akhmetova D.T.,  associate professor Sh. Mutallyapova (2007-2012)

On the basis of decision of the Academic Council of  Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin of  June 29, 2012, and in accordance with the order No. 420 of 10.09.2012, the department "Marketing and Service" and  the  department "Economic  - Mathematical Modeling" were joined.

The invaluable contribution in the development of the faculty and training was brought by the department of statistics and management, which were organized by the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR NQ 230 July 8, 1969. The associate professor, candidate of economic sciences, professor Sh. Imangazhin successfully headed the department of statistics. The following teachers have been the heads of the department of management: the candidate of economic sciences G. Kulemzin (1969-1978 and 1981-1983), the associate professors, candidate of economic sciences N. Dutchenko (1978-1979), M. Lyubchak (1979-1981), U. Sanitsky (1983-1988). From 1988 to 1992 the candidate of economic sciences, associate professor A.Kulakevich managed the department.

The staff of the Department of Statistics proceeded from the need to train specialists who are familiar with the methods of economic and statistical analysis and  objective assessment of the performance of individual enterprises and  agricultural sector in general. In brief, there was a desire to form students' skills, the ability to analyze what exactly has to be behind the numbers.  Lots of effort was made to create a reliable scientific and methodological basis for teaching.

The professor Sh. Imangazhin published the training courses on the subjects: "Statistics of Work in Agriculture" (1987) and "Statistics of agriculture" for the students of economic specialties of higher education institutions (1993), "Statistics of the plant growing and animal husbandry" (in co-authorship with the candidate of economic sciences A. Ismailova and the candidate of economic sciences N. Meleshenko, 1995), "Financial and economic analysis of activity results of agricultural enterprises» (1998).

The department conducted the main scientific researches on the problem of decrease in the product cost and increase of efficiency of agricultural production, in the next years on increase of competitiveness of production of agricultural products.

The teachers and postgraduates of the department defended 10 master's dissertations, five of them were defended under the supervision of professor Sh. Imangazhin. In 1999 the department of statistics and accounting was united.

The creation of the management department was connected with an economic reform in 1965. Actuality of methods studying the management sharply increased.

There was a task to raise the level of training, retraining of the personnel appointed to manage the production process and agricultural enterprises.

Scientific interests of the staff of the department were connected with the improvement of the mechanism of business management, transformation of the state farms or their privatization and privatization in the new forms of managing. During functioning of the department 19 candidates of economic sciences have been trained under the supervision of the associate professor (now- professor) G. Kulemzin. In 1992 the department of management was renamed into the management and marketing department.

On February 15, 2001 on the basis of the order of the rector of S. Seifullin Akmolinsk agrarian university the department “Marketing and Commerce” was established when the united department  “Economy and management” was divided. The associate professor, candidate of economic sciences S. Kasenov was the first head of it (2001 till September, 2002), then it was headed by Zh. Komekbayeva (2002 till June, 2003), the candidate of economic sciences N.Kaskatayev (2003-2010), nowadays the department has been renamed into the department “Marketing and service” which is headed by the doctor of economic sciences, professor B.Rustembayev.

In different years the professors G.Kulemzin and V. Stukach, the associate professors A. Kulakevich, M. Dzhanadilov worked at this department. The considerable contribution of the department development was made by such teachers as the associate professors Zh. Bishenov, M. Tleuov, F. Shulenbayeva, O. Sotnikov, I. Zhumagulov, the master E. Zadvorneva, the senior teachers O.Toropova and S. Zhaksybayeva. Many years the senior laboratory assistant V.Bolshakova worked at the department.

The youngest department of the faculty is “Finance and Credit” which was formed in July, 2001 (the resolution of the Academic Council of university No. 145 July 7, 2001). The first head of the department was the doctor of economic sciences Zh. Anafiyaeva.She is the graduate of K.A.Timiryazev Moscow agricultural academy. Since July, 2003 the department has been headed by the candidate of economic sciences, associate professor D. Zhumanova, graduating Alma - Ata institute of the national economy. She graduated from the postgraduate course of the department “Finance” of G. V. Plekhanov Russian Economic academy in Moscow.

Since September 2015, the department has been headed by the candidate of economic sciences Baimagambetova Z.A

The department actively cooperates with tax, financial and banking institutions where teachers of the department pass the training practice. The leading experts of the Ministry of Finance of the republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Economics and budget planning of the Republic of Kazakhstan, banks and public institutions are involved in the teaching activity.

In modern conditions the development of the economy of Kazakhstan is aimed to ensure innovative growth, do further market transformations

In connection with this, the scientific researches on the basis of materials of managing subjects of various forms of ownership, and also financial, tax authorities, banks are carried out.

The scientific researches are conducted on the problems of reforming the credit relations, taxation improvement in agriculture, problems of improvement of the relationship of the central and local budgets, as the component of the state budgetary policy at the department. According to the results of researches R.Ismailova and B.Aymurzina defended the doctoral dissertation and M.Kasimbekova, Z. Baymagambetova defended the candidate’s dissertation.

The department of  “Management” was established  by the order №235 of the rector of S. Seifullin Agrotechnical University of July 16, 2007.

The research work of the department is conducted  in various directions in accordance with the working  plan of the department. An important component of the research work is the participation in scientific, methodological, educational and methodical conferences of different level. From the time of  formation , the department is headed by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Nukesheva Anar Zhaskairatovna.

The story about the formation and development of higher economic education will be incomplete, if we do not describe changes occurring in this complicated process. The ongoing changes in the economy demanded changes in directions of training of specialists of economic profile.

 According to educational and professional program of training,  bachelors  have been taught on the specialties “Management”, “Economy”, “Accounting  and audit”, “Finance”, “Marketing”, “Social services” with awarding the bachelor’s academic degree since 2003

The bachelor of these specialties must have a complex of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills related to solving problems of economic and organizational nature, the use of modern technologies, information processing, decision-making in a dynamically changing external environment.

Foreign partners - universities and scientific organizations

The agreements with foreign scientific consultants for PhD students in the specialty 6D050700 «Management» EM Karpenko (Belarus); Bencheva N. (Bulgaria); L Fratochi (Italy) and for PhD students in the specialty 6D050600 «Economics» with Dr. PhD, Professor Xin Ying, Dr. PhD, professor Gao Zhi Gang (Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, Urumqi, China) were signed. There are agreements on cooperation with Professor Lakuilla University (Italy) M.Mori, professor of Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics (China) Zhigan Lee, Professor, Ph.D Parusimova, Orenburg State University (Russia).

Enterprises and organizations - partners of the faculty

The students get working experience in the different enterprises. They are "KazAgroFinance" JSC NUH "KazAgro", JSC, "NC KTZ", audit, and other agricultural companies such as "KazAgroKarzhy" JSC, "Synergy Audit", "Kamyshenka" Ltd, "Germain Ana Ltd," Agrofirma Rodina LLC," Aktyk " Ltd, Tax Department of Astana, branches of" VTB Bank ", JSC" Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan ", JSC" Tsesnabank "JSC", ATF Bank " , JSC "SB" PNB "- Kazakhstan" Astana, JSC "Eurasian Bank" in Astana and others. The faculty has more than 10 thousand highly qualified alumnus , who have worked and are working in virtually every enterprise agribusiness in the region, central and local government, academy, and other institutions.


Первые учебные корпуса

Deputy of  Majilis,
5th convocation

Первые учебные корпуса

A. Syzdykov

Deputy     of   Senate

Первые учебные корпуса

Deputy of  Majilis,
4th,5th,6th convocation


Первые учебные корпуса

Chairman of Board of JSC
«Zhilstroisberbank Kazakhstana»

Первые учебные корпуса

Secretary of Central
Election Commission

Первые учебные корпуса

A. Duisebaev
Firs  Deputy of Akim
Karaganda region

Reception of applicants for 2023-2024 academic year



Educational program name





Economics of modern business




Business management and entrepreneurship




Accounting, audit and tax consulting




Financial analytics




Digital marketing







SARUD Sustainable agriculture and rural development




Agricultural management




Accounting and legal support of business




Public and public sector finance




Marketing and brand management in the market of goods and services







Economics and organization of agro-industrial complex




Management in the agro-industrial complex




Accounting and auditing in accordance with international standards




Financial innovation in business








