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Scientific projects and programs

IRN BR21882327 “Development of new technologies for organic production and processing of agricultural products” for 2023-2025

BR21882184 «Creation of risk management system to ensure food safety and development of meat and dairy products with increased biological value»

Scientific potential of university

The teaching staff of university nearly 650 teachers, including 68 doctors and 288 candidates of science who actively participate in realization of research projects (budgetary, hozcontractual, international) solving social and economic problems of agrarian and industrial complex. There are some scientific projects ready to manufacturing application and to increase labor productivity and production of competitive goods.

Scientific-technical and production potential of university allow to make complex research and developmental works, providing a full cycle of development, research and examination of science-intensive products.

International scientific projects

The research work in S.Seyfullin Kazakh Agro Technical University is conducted within the international project: "Research the opportunities to use insurance schemes in plant growing on the basis of weather indexes", financed by the Swiss national fund of science in common with the foreign scientific organizations: Institute of Environmental Decisions – ETH (Zurich, Switzerland), All-Russian scientific research institute of agricultural climatology (Obninsk, Russian Federation), Institute of space efforts of the Ministry of Education and Science (Almaty, RK) with the amount of financing 34,5 thousand Swiss francs.

organizations: Institute of Environmental Decisions - ETH (Zurich, Switzerland), Russian Scientific Research Institute of agro climatology (Obninsk, Russia), Space Research Institute of MSE RK (Almaty, Kazakhstan) with funding of 34.5 million Swiss francs.
organizations: Institute of Environmental Decisions - ETH (Zurich, Switzerland), Russian Scientific Research Institute of agro climatology (Obninsk, Russia), Space Research Institute of MSE RK (Almaty, Kazakhstan) with funding of 34.5 million Swiss francs.

Information on projects within the framework of grant financing of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2022 with a period of implementation of 12 months

IRN №AP09260956 "Scientific and methodological foundations for the organization of the educational process in the conditions of distance learning at the Agricultural Research University".

IRN No. AP09259983 "Development of an express test for the diagnosis of salmonella abortion of horses based on monoclonal antibodies".

IRN No.AP09259657 "Research and development of an automated proctoring system for monitoring students' knowledge in a distance learning environment".

IRN No. АР09259673 "Development of an intensive device for drying, grinding, mixing particles of feed flour from animal waste."

IRN №AP09259525 «Methodology of analysis and optimization of the rural county socio-economic model (based on the materials of the Northern Kazakhstan)».

№ АР09259969 Environmental monitoring of water bodies in Northern Kazakhstan

Development of biotechnical methods for artificial reproduction of pikeperch in a recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS).

Development of technology for producing Bi-HTS superconductor ceramics with high critical parameters

№ AP09260956 "Scientific and methodological foundations for the organization of the educational process in the conditions of distance learning at the Agricultural Research University"

№ AP09259983 "Development of a rapid test for the diagnosis of Salmonella abortion in horses based on monoclonal antibodies"

№ AP09259657 "Research and development of an automated proctoring system for monitoring students 'knowledge in the context of distance learning"

№ АР09259673 "Development of an intensive device for drying, grinding, mixing particles of feed flour from animal waste"

№ AP09259525 «Methodology of analysis and optimization of the rural county socio-economic model (based on the materials of the Northern Kazakhstan)»

№ АР09259969 «Environmental monitoring of water bodies in Northern Kazakhstan»

№ АР09260260 "Development of biotechnical methods for artificial reproduction of pikeperch in a recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)"

№ АР09260251 «Development of technology for producing Bi-HTS superconductor ceramics with high critical parameters»

Information on projects within the framework of grant funding for young scientists of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023

"Express test for the diagnosis of trichinosis"

Creation of a cryobank of reproductive cells of valuable fish species in Kazakhstan.

ИРН №AP09058186. «Methodology development and computer program for determining additional electrical energy losses during its transportation and distribution in the electrical grid.».

Improving the quality of restoration of agricultural machinery parts by developing repair composite mixtures based on polymers, minerals and nano-additives.

IRN AP09058213 «Development of technology for meat products for child nutrition from non-traditional raw materials of the meat industry»

IRN AP09058149 «Investigation of electro-discharge demolition of reinforced concrete products and solid waste for the development of a mobile complex for their recycling and utilization».

№ АР09058176 "Express test for the diagnosis of trichinosis"

№ АР09058175 «Creation of a cryobank of reproductive cells of valuable fish species in Kazakhstan»

№ AP09058301 «Aflatoxin contamination of various nuts and the development of ways to detoxify them»

№AP09058186 «Methodology development and computer program for determining additional electrical energy losses during its transportation and distribution in the electrical grid»

№ АР09058166 «Improving the quality of restoration of agricultural machinery parts by developing repair composite mixtures based on polymers, minerals and nano-additives»

№ AP09058213 «Development of technology for meat products for child nutrition from non-traditional raw materials of the meat industry»

№ AP09058149 « Investigation of electro-discharge demolition of reinforced concrete products and solid waste for the development of a mobile complex for their recycling and utilization»


Development of a decision-making system for the production of main types of agricultural crops based on the adaptation of the DSSAT model for crop growth and development with the formation of an information database of scientific and technical documentation on agro-technologies for agribusiness entities in order to create Smart systems in agriculture

BR10765064 «Regulatory and methodological support for the development of organic production in the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with international and foreign standards and requirements and priority markets»

BR10765056 «Creation of highly productive varieties and hybrids of grain crops based on the achievements of biotechnology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry of plants for their sustainable production in various soil and climatic zones of Kazakhstan»

BR10764944 "Development of methods for analytical control and monitoring of food safety"

BR10764919 Research of the influence of state policy in the agricultural sector on the development of cooperation processes in the agro-industrial complex, sustainable development of rural areas and ensuring food security.

BR10865103 "Development and creation of scientifically proved smart farms (herd horse breeding, beef cattle breeding) using at least 3 different digital solutions for each digital area of implementation for the actual production tasks of agribusiness entities and the formation of the necessary reference database for training employees of farms and transferring digital knowledge to students"

BR10764965 «Development of technologies for keeping, feeding, rearing and reproduction in dairy cattle breeding based on the use of adapted resource-energy saving and digital technologies for various natural and climatic zones of Kazakhstan»

BR10764998 “Development of technologies using new strains of beneficial microorganisms, enzymes, nutrients and other kits in the production of special dietary food products”

BR10765062 “Development of technology to ensure the preservation of the quality of agricultural raw materials and processed products in order to reduce losses during various storage methods”

Development of a decision-making system for the production of main types of agricultural crops based on the adaptation of the DSSAT model for crop growth and development with the formation of an information database of scientific and technical documentation on agro-technologies for agribusiness entities in order to create Smart systems in agriculture

BR10765064 «Regulatory and methodological support for the development of organic production in the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with international and foreign standards and requirements and priority markets»

BR10765056 «Creation of highly productive varieties and hybrids of grain crops based on the achievements of biotechnology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry of plants for their sustainable production in various soil and climatic zones of Kazakhstan»

BR10764944 "Development of methods for analytical control and monitoring of food safety"

BR10764919 Research of the influence of state policy in the agricultural sector on the development of cooperation processes in the agro-industrial complex, sustainable development of rural areas and ensuring food security

BR10865103 "Development and creation of scientifically proved smart farms (herd horse breeding, beef cattle breeding) using at least 3 different digital solutions for each digital area of implementation for the actual production tasks of agribusiness entities and the formation of the necessary reference database for training employees of farms and transferring digital knowledge to students"

BR10764965 «Development of technologies for keeping, feeding, rearing and reproduction in dairy cattle breeding based on the use of adapted resource-energy saving and digital technologies for various natural and climatic zones of Kazakhstan»

BR10764998 "Development of technologies using new strains of beneficial microorganisms, enzymes, nutrients and other kits in the production of special dietary foods"

BR10765062 "Development of technology to ensure the safety of the quality of agricultural raw materials and processed products in order to reduce losses in various storage methods"


IRNAP14870972 «Development of enzyme immunoassay based on the recombinant antigen of Trichinella spp.»

IRN AP14870923 «Development of techniques for increasing productivity, drought tolerance of wheat in arid conditions of Central, Northern Kazakhstan using mathematical modeling»

AP14870270 "Molecular genetic substantiation of domestic and foreign potato varieties and hybrids resistant to main viral, nematode and late blight pathogens".

AP14870872 «Research of demographic and migration processes in the northern regions of Kazakhstan: analysis of factors and development of regulatory methods»

IRN AP14872147 «Development of an efficient power supply system for autonomous consumers based on a special design wind farm».

Num.14870651 «Production early maturing soybean material with high productive and adaptive potential using molecular breeding methods for conditions of Northern Kazakhstan»

IRN AP14871765 Development of BIO-AP biologically active additive with the production of micronutrients complex based on plant raw materials for food enrichment

ИРН № AP14869376 Development of interdisciplinary research ability of students in the implementation of synergetic education in higher education.

IRN AP14871144 “Development of technology for processing sludge and “green” waste from urban areas into organic fertilizer using domestic biological products”

IRN AP1487188 “Development of technology for producing effective cathode material for creating competitive sodium-ion batteries”

AP14870014 “Applications of DNA technologies in breeding and genetic studies of proso millet culture at creating new local drought tolerant varieties”.

AP14869840 «Research and development of ultra-broadband multi-antenna wireless transmission of information between interfaces»

IRN AR14871978 "Highly efficient wind generator using a multi-rotor system".

IRN AR14869386 "Research, development of a set of structures and creation of an experimental sample of an automatically controlled sailing wind power plant with a swinging working body".

AP14871055 "Representation of the concept "Tort tulik" in the Kazakh language cognition"

№ AP14870972 «Development of enzyme immunoassay based on the recombinant antigen of Trichinella spp.»

№ AP14870923 «Development of techniques for increasing productivity, drought tolerance of wheat in arid conditions of Central, Northern Kazakhstan using mathematical modeling»

№ AP14870270 "Molecular genetic substantiation of domestic and foreign potato varieties and hybrids resistant to main viral, nematode and late blight pathogens"

№ AP14870872 «Research of demographic and migration processes in the northern regions of Kazakhstan: analysis of factors and development of regulatory methods»

№ AP14871055 "Representation of the concept "Tort tulik" in the Kazakh language cognition"

№ AP14872147 «Development of an efficient power supply system for autonomous consumers based on a wind farm of a special design»

№ AP14870651 «Production early maturing soybean material with high productive and adaptive potential using molecular breeding methods for conditions of Northern Kazakhstan»

№ AP14871765 "Development of BIO-AP biologically active additive with the production of micronutrients complex based on plant raw materials for food enrichment"

№ AP14869376 "Development of interdisciplinary research ability of students in the implementation of synergetic education in higher education"

№ AP14871144 "Development of technology for processing sewage sludge and "green" wastes of urban plantations into organic fertilizer using domestic biological products"

№ AP1487188 "Development of technology for obtaining an efficient cathode material for creating competitive sodium-ion batteries"

№ AP14870014 “Applications of DNA technologies in breeding and genetic studies of proso millet culture at creating new local drought tolerant varieties”

№ AR14871978 " Highly efficient wind generator using a multi-rotor system"

№ AP1487188 "Development of technology for obtaining an efficient cathode material for creating competitive sodium-ion batteries"

№ AP14869840 «Research and development of ultra-broadband multi-antenna wireless transmission of information between interfaces»

AP14869386 «Research, development, manufacture of constructures set and experimental sample of automatically controlled sailing wind power plant with swinging working body»



«Improvement preventive measures against infectious diseases of animals (on the rabies example), based on using of information and communication technologies».

ИРН АР19676894 "Development of a soil-cultivating - sowing machine for grain crops in the precision farming system"

AP 19675312 Analytical system for forecasting the dynamics of the number of pests of grain crops in Kazakhstan based on a neural network model

IRN AP19677302  "Development of an IHA-kit based on recombinant proteins for the diagnosis of brucellosis."

IRN AR19679977 «Study of species diversity and genetic features of viral and bacterial pathogens of infectious diseases of pets in Astana»

IRN №АР19679802 "Development of working bodies for forced crushing and grinding of feed from waste of plant and animal origin".

IRN AP19678041 «Development of software for identification of tandem repeats using whole genome sequencing»

Development of innovative system of seed skip prevention with modernization of precision seeding machine IRN (AP19678776)

IRN АР19678812 "The use of genetic and bioinformatic methods for the identification pathogens of zooanthroponotic mycoses of game and farm animals circulating in the territory of Kazakhstan"

AR19679420 "Study the genetic diversity of zoonotic parasites of cats circulating in Kazakhstan".

AP19677321 «Development of digital experimental facilities for studying physics phenomena in laboratory conditions of educational institutions using modern computer technologies»

IRN AP19675062 " Development of clean coal technology for the production of volatile combustible substances "

«Development of measures to reduce the epidemiological risks of the spread of zooanthroponoses in Kazakhstan».

ИРН АР19674514 «Development of a chisel subsoiler fertilizer for intrasoil variable rate tiered application of mineral fertilizers»

"Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex and safety of agricultural products."

AP19679190 «Research and optimization of intelligent reflective surface technology using artificial intelligence»

AP19676907 "Development of mushroom’s extracts and spent substrates efficient use technology as means potato protection against phytopathogens and feed additives manufacturing."

IRN AR19677795 "Linguoecology as a Reflection of Ethnocultural Mentality of Residents in Northern Kazakhstan (Akmola, Pavlodar, Kostanay Regions)"

ИРН AP19677558 «Development of an integrated system for the bioconversion of carbon-containing waste»

BR10764944 "Development of methods for analytical control and monitoring of food safety"

IRN AR19678293 "Development of a test for visual diagnosis of uterine diseases in cows".

IRN AP19679359 « Development of a system of magnetic treatment of process water to reduce the formation of scale on the heating surface».

IRN AP19677354 Development of indirect thermal protection systems for asynchronous generators of wind power plants

IRN AP19679083 «Development of prototypes of alternative energy sources of cogeneration type to improve the efficiency of energy supply to autonomous consumers».

«Improvement preventive measures against infectious diseases of animals (on the rabies example), based on using of information and communication technologies»

АР19676894 "Development of a soil-cultivating - sowing machine for grain crops in the precision farming system"

AP 19675312 Analytical system for forecasting the dynamics of the number of pests of grain crops in Kazakhstan based on a neural network model

АР19677795 «Linguoecology as a reflection of the ethnocultural mentality of the inhabitants of Northern Kazakhstan (Akmola, Kostanay, Pavlodar regions)»

AP19677558 «Development of an integrated system for the bioconversion of carbon-containing waste»

AP19677302 "Development of an IHA-kit based on recombinant proteins for the diagnosis of brucellosis"

AR19678293 "Development of a test for visual diagnosis of uterine diseases in cows"

AR19679977 «Study of species diversity and genetic features of viral and bacterial pathogens of infectious diseases of pets in Astana»

АР19679802 "Development of working bodies for forced crushing and grindingof feed from waste of plant and animal origin"

AP19678041 «Development of software for identification of tandem repeats using whole genome sequencing»

AP19678776 Development of innovative system of seed skip prevention with modernization of precision seeding machine

АР19678812 "The use of genetic and bioinformatic methods for the identification pathogens of zooanthroponotic mycoses of game and farm animals circulating in the territory of Kazakhstan"

AR19679420 "Study the genetic diversity of zoonotic parasites of cats circulating in Kazakhstan"

AP19677321 «Development of digital experimental facilities for studying physics phenomena in laboratory conditions of educational institutions using modern computer technologies»

AP19675062 "Development of clean coal technology for the production of volatile combustible substances"

AP19679359 « Development of a system of magnetic treatment of process water to reduce the formation of scale on the heating surface»

«Development of measures to reduce the epidemiological risks of the spread of zooanthroponoses in Kazakhstan»

АР19674514 «Development of a chisel subsoiler fertilizer for intrasoil variable rate tiered application of mineral fertilizers»

AP19677354 Development of indirect thermal protection systems for asynchronous generators of wind power plants

AP19680251 «Circular economy opportunities using model development for agribusiness entities commodity production’s closed chain development based on lean and digital technologies»

AP19679749 "Mapping of shelterbelts, their impact on productivity and water resources, expansion prospects, using geospatial technologies in the Akmola region"

AP19679083 «Development of prototypes of alternative energy sources of cogeneration type to improve the efficiency of energy supply to autonomous consumers»

AP19679190 «Research and optimization of intelligent reflective surface technology using artificial intelligence»

AP19676907 "Development of mushroom’s extracts and spent substrates efficient use technology as means potato protection against phytopathogens and feed additives manufacturing"